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A name is understood to have - Origen Against Celsus 5:45 “As Celsus, however, is of opinion that it matters nothing whether the highest being be called Jupiter, or Zen, or Adonai, or Sabaoth, or Ammoun (as the Egyptians term him), or Pappaeus (as the Scythians entitle him), let us discuss the point for a little, reminding the reader at the same time of what has been said above upon this question, when the language of Celsus led us to consider the subject. And now we maintain that the nature of names is not, as Aristotle supposes, an enactment of those who impose them. For the languages which are prevalent among men do not derive their origin from men, as is evident to those who are able to ascertain the nature of the charms which are appropriated by the inventors of the languages differently, according to the various tongues, and to the varying pronunciations of the names, on which we have spoken briefly in the preceding pages, remarking that when those names which in a certain language were possessed of a natural power were translated into another, they were no longer able to accomplish what they did before when uttered in their native tongues."

why we never name our children after living relatives - Which is why the “Agrippa I” and “Agrippa II” nonsense of contemporary scholarship is so ridiculous. Cf Ex 25:5 If brethren dwell together, and one of them die, and have no child, the wife of the dead shall not marry without unto a stranger: her husband's brother shall go in unto her, and take her to him to wife, and perform the duty of an husband's brother unto her.

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Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa - Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius c.63 B.C.–12 B.C., Roman general. A close friend of Octavian (later Emperor Augustus), he won a name in the wars in Gaul before becoming consul in 37 B.C. He organized Octavian's fleet and is generally given much credit for the defeat (36 B.C.) of Sextus Pompeius in the naval battles at Mylae and Naulochus (N Sicily). Agrippa took part in the war against Antony, and his naval operations were the basis of Octavian's decisive victory at Actium in 31 B.C. He was perhaps the most trusted of all Augustus' lieutenants and rendered many services, notably in putting down disorders in both the East and West. His third wife was Augustus' daughter Julia.

attacking the legacy of this elder Agrippa - Suetonius, De Vita Caesarum: Caius Caligula

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the Law of Moses is based on this secret alphabetic code - Tobias Dantzig, a professor of mathematics at the University of Maryland (U.S.A.) explained the phenomenon thus: "The sum of the numbers represented by the letters of the word was the number of the word, and from the standpoint of Gematria two words were equivalent if they added up to the same number. Not only was Gematria used from the earliest days for the interpretation of Bible passages, but there are indications that the writers of the Bible had practiced the art. Thus Abraham proceeding to rescue his brother Eliasar drives forth 318 slaves. Is it just a coincidence that the Hebrew word Eliasar adds up to 318?" Within the first century A.D., Barnabas, the traveling companion of the Apostle Paul, wrote concerning this-number code. "For the scripture says that Abraham circumcised three hundred and eighteen men of his house. But what therefore was the mystery that was made known unto him? Mark, first the eighteen, and next the three hundred. For the numeral letters of ten and eight are I H. And these denote Jesus. And because the cross was that by which we were to find grace; therefore he adds three hundred; the note of which is T (the figure of his cross). Wherefore by two letters he signified Jesus, and by the third his cross." Barnabas leads us to realize that the knowledge of the use of Gematria in the word of God is not something of modem discovery. One of the best-known demonstrations of Gematria in the Old Testament is the section headings of Psalm 119. Any student of the Old Testament is aware that the names for these sections are in fact the sequential letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. These letters were simply used to number the sections. The some Bibles the word for the letter is spelled out, (such as aleph, while in other translations, the single letter is used - both of these translate, by Gematria, to the number 1. Gematria among the Greeks was in common use at the time of the writing of the New Testament. A copy of one of these early manuscripts, called papyri, (because they were written on papyrus) exists today in Dublin, Ireland in the Chester Beatty Collection. It is the earliest known copy of the book of Revelation extant. It is dated somewhere between 200 and 300 A.D. This manuscript uses Gematria for every number in the book of Revelation.

my gospel similarly was established around it and related ciphers - Cf Irenaeus AFG 13 the section on Marcus.

she chose the name “Marcus” - There is a surviving tradition that the messiah who is to come is not only “like Moses” but indeed that his very name will begin with the letter “m.” The Hebrew letter mem, both the "open" mem and the "closed" mem (at the end of the word) relate to exile and redemption. Rabbeinu Bachye expands on this theme [Bereishis 47:28]: In Tanach it states[Isaiah 9:6]: "L'MARBEH - (this is a closed mem) - "For promoting the increase of the government, and for peace without end, upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom." Here, the mem (in L'marbeh) (in the middle of a word), which should be open, is closed to indicate that the full glory of Jewish government is concealed during the era of exile. In another verse,[ Nechemyah 2:13] we find an open mem at the end of a word, "I was viewing the walls of Jerusalem" - Nechemyah states - "which haim (they; this mem is open in the text) were broken down, and the gates thereof were consumed by fire." The Midrash comments: "When the walls of Jerusalem will be closed (and solidified), unlike now when they are open and cracked during exile, then shall the Jewish government be fully opened (with full unrestricted power) unlike now when it is closed (and restricted). Thus both mems, written in an unusual manner in these two verses, allude to the Messianic era. On the verse in Isaiah - l'marbeh - with an enclosed mem ("For promoting the increase of government") the Talmud comments:[ Sanhendrin 94a, Rashi] God wanted to close up and bring an end to all Jewish adversities by designating King Hezechiah as Moshiach. Yet, the attribute of justice claimed: `Here is Hezechiah, for whom You performed so many miracles and yet, he failed to offer a song unto You.' With this, his fate as Moshiach became closed and concealed. In the Oral Torah, too, we see the significance of mem: The six Orders of Mishnah begin and end with mem. There is an open mem in the beginning of Mishnah - Me'eymasai,[ Beginning of Tractate Berachos] and a closed mem at the end of Mishnah, in the word shalom, as it cites the verse,[ Uktzin/end, Psalms 29:11] "G-d shall bless His people with peace." Thus these two mems will usher in a period of everlasting peace. Moshiach's name, too, begins with a mem (similar to the beginning and end of the Mishnah). Thus, our Sages tell us:[ Vayikra Rabbah 7:3 ] "The exiles will be ingathered in the merit of (studying) Mishnah."

the same numerological value as that of Moses - This is standard Samaritan understanding of the name “Marcus” or Marqeh in their language told to me by Banny Tsedaka

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“a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles” –

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