p. 41

the very first words – i.e. Mark 1:1, the first words of the Diatesseron and presumably the Marcionite text is “the gospel of Jesus” which is the title of the work.

“great mystery” – cf

a greater and lesser – this understanding is manifest from Origen’s description of the heretical diagram he describes to his readers in Against Celsus cf “Our noble (friend), moreover, not satisfied with the objections which he has drawn from the diagram, desires, in order to strengthen his accusations against us, who have nothing in common with it, to introduce certain other charges, which he adduces from the same (heretics), but yet as if they were from a different source. His words are: "And that is not the least of their marvels, for there are between the upper circles-those that are above the heavens-certain inscriptions of which they give the interpretation, and among others two words especially, `a greater and a less, 'which they refer to Father and Son.” Now, in the diagram referred to, we found the greater and the lesser circle, upon the diameter of which was inscribed "Father and Son; "and between the greater circle (in which the lesser was contained) and another composed of two circles,-the outer one of which was yellow, and the inner blue,-a barrier inscribed in the shape of a hatchet. And above it, a short circle, close to the greater of the two former, having the inscription "Love; "and lower down, one touching the same circle, with the word "Life." (CC6:38)

p. 42

I was the original author - Cf Tertullian AM 3:3 “when Marcion complains that apostles are suspected (for their prevarication and dissimulation) of having even depraved the gospel, he thereby accuses Christ, by accusing those whom Christ chose. If, then, the apostles, who are censured simply for inconsistency of walk, composed the Gospel in a pure form, but false apostles interpolated their true record; and if our own copies have been made from these, where will that genuine text of the apostle’s writings be found which has not suffered adulteration? Which was it that enlightened Paul, and through him Luke? It is either completely blotted out, as if by some deluge—being obliterated by the inundation of falsifiers—in which case even Marcion does not possess the true Gospel; or else, is that very edition which Marcion alone possesses the true one, that is, of the apostles?

p. 43
my flesh - The Aramaic word besora means “gospel,” “glad tidings” and “flesh.” The bread of the Eucharist is of course also identified as such.

I am there in the corners of every scene - On Mark placing himself in his own gospel narrative see the Muratorian canon “those things at which he was present he placed thus [in his gospel].” The idea at the heart also of the Coptic interpretation of his gospel cf. St. Severus the Acts of Mark and Shenouda Mark the Evangelist.

p. 44

I implore you to become you like me - 1 Corinthians 4:16f

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